Bonnyton Golf Club expects visitors to respect the same dress code as members and the following will be considered the minimum standard permitted:
• The wearing of non-tailored shorts is not permitted in the Clubhouse or on the Course at any time. Blue denim and jeans are only permitted if they are not frayed or torn and only if attending the clubhouse to use the social facilities. They are strictly forbidden on the golf course. This also applies to trainers.
• The wearing of football club clothing of any description is strictly forbidden both on the course and in the clubhouse.
• Tailored shorts, collared shirts, mock turtle and polo necks are permitted. No tee shirts on the course at any time.
• Golf jackets and hats/caps must not be worn in the lounges. Golf hoodies are permitted. Golf shoes must not be worn in the clubhouse beyond the link corridor. This also applies to spikeless shoes. No metal spikes to be worn anywhere in the building other than the locker room.
• Members and guests should not change in the car parks. Dress on the course must conform to golf club standards.
• Ladies are required to dress to an equivalent standard to that described for gentlemen on the course and various areas of the clubhouse.
• Members are asked to adhere to the standard as stated on the website and above. Board Members have the authority, at their discretion, to require any member not suitably dressed to leave the clubhouse or course.
• Members are responsible for their guests conforming to these various requirements.
The decision of the Board is that mobile phones “SILENT MODE” may be used in the Clubhouse with all calls then being taken in the car park or locker room.
Mobiles phones should be kept on a low volume whilst on the course. Please respect other players around you.
They should only be used if an emergency situation arises.

1. Players must book their tee times via the BRS booking system. This allows for contact to be made in case of emergency.
2. Players are reminded that they are required to inform the Pro Shop that they are present for their booked time.
3. Players should be ready to play at their prebooked time.
4. Players should not play until players in front are out of range.
5. Players searching for a ball are reminded that the Rules of Golf only allow 3 minutes. If you require to return to the tee please wave the following game through.
6. Before leaving a bunker, players should carefully rake and tidy.
7. Through the course, all players should ensure that that they replace all divots and repair all pitch marks on the greens.
8. If a match fails to keep its place on the Course and loses more than one clear hole they should invite the following match to play through.
9. No starting allowed at the 10th tee unless the 9th tee is free of players.
In the Clubhouse
1. Visitors to the Clubhouse must be signed in by a member and they are responsible for the conduct of his/her visitors.
2. Members are requested not change clothes or shoes in the car park. See number 2 on the course.
3. Golf equipment should not be taken through the front door of the Clubhouse.
4. Members are requested not to reprimand an employee of the Club. All complaints should be made in writing to the Secretary or the relevant Convener.
For the vast majority of members, these rules cause no problem, they are simple good manners applied to a golf club.